Commodore Disk User Volume 2 #1
disk commands
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Commodore BASIC
82 lines
10 rem******************************
20 rem
30 rem disk commands demo progs
40 rem
50 rem******************************
60 rem
100 print "[147]"
110 print:print tab(10);"direct access demo"
120 print:print tab(10);"[158]1. program trace"
130 print:print tab(10);"2. read name"
140 print:print tab(10);"3. change name"
150 print:print tab(10);"4. show bytes free"
160 print:print tab(10);"5. read name(again)
165 [153]:[153]
170 [161] i$:[139] i$[178]"" [167] 170
180 [139] i$[179]"1" [176] i$[177]"5"[167] 170
190 [145] [197](i$) [141] 500,600,700,800,900
192 [153]:[153] [163]10);"any key to continue"
195 [161] i$:[139] i$[178]"" [167] 195
200 [137] 100
493 [143]
495 [143] read links
497 [143]
500 [159] 8,8,15:[143] open the command channel
510 [159] 4,8,4,"#":[143] open direct access file
520 [133] "track and sector please";tr,se
530 [152]8,"u1:"4;0;tr;se:[143] read contents of track/sector into buffer
540 [161]#4,t$,s$:[143] read first two bytes into buffer
550 tr[178][198](t$[170][199](0)):se[178][198](s$[170][199](0)):[143] make sure value is integer
560 [139] tr[178]0 [167] [160] 4:[160] 8:[142]:[143] end of links
570 [153] "track number is: ";tr;" sector is: ";se
580 [137] 530:[143] get next link
590 [143]
593 [143] read disk name
595 [143]
600 [159] 8,8,15:[143] open the command channel
610 [159] 4,8,4,"#":[143] open direct access file
620 [152]8,"u1:"4;0;18;0:[143] read contents of desired track/sector
630 [152]8,"b-p:"4;144:[143] point to where you want to read from
635 [153] "disk name: ";
640 [129] x[178]1 [164] 16:[143] length of filename
650 [161]#4,x$:[139] x$[178][199](160)[167] 670:[143] if shifted space end
660 [153] x$;:[130]: [143] print out and get next letter
670 [153]:[160] 4:[160] 8:[143] end
680 [142]
690 [143]
695 [143] change name
697 [143]
700 [159] 8,8,15:[143] open the command channel
710 [159] 4,8,4,"#":[143] open direct access file
720 [152]8,"u1:"4;0;18;0:[143] read contents of desired track/sector
730 [152]8,"b-p:"4;144:[143] point to where you want to read from
732 [153] "old name: ";
735 [129] x[178]1 [164] 16:[161]#4,x$:[139] x$[178][199](160) [167] x[178]16:[137] 739
737 [153] x$;
739 [130] x:[153]:[153]
740 [133] "enter new name";x$:[139] [195](x$)[177]16 [167] 740
750 [139] [195](x$)[179]16[167] x$[178]x$[170][199](160):[137] 750:[143] pad out name
755 [152]8,"b-p:"4;144:[143] point to where you want to write to
760 [152]4,x$;:[143] change buffer contents
770 [152]8,"u2:"4;0;18;0:[143] write back to disk
780 [152]8,"i":[160] 4:[160] 8:[142]
790 [143]
795 [143] free bytes
797 [143]
800 [159] 8,8,15
810 [152]8,"m-r"[199](250)[199](2)
820 [161]#8,x$:[139] x$[178]"" [167] x$[178][199](0)
830 [152]8,"m-r"[199](252)[199](2)
840 [161]#8,y$:[139] y$[178]""[167] y$[178][199](0)
850 [153] [198](x$)[170]256[172][198](y$);" blocks free"
860 [160] 8:[142]
890 [143]
895 [143] disk name 2
897 [143]
900 [159] 8,8,15
910 [152]8,"m-r"[199](144)[199](7)[199](16)
920 [132]8,x$
930 [153] "disk name: ";x$
940 [160] 8
950 [142]